Smarty Ears releases its first paper based material: Go Sequencing Flashcards now available

Smarty Ears has built its reputation on creating high-quality applications for the iOS devices since 2009. The company founded by Barbara Fernandes has released over sixty iOS applications to date in a variety of areas of speech, language and communication. Smarty Ears is one of the most well-known and respected in the field, and its apps have been download around the world by hundreds of thousands of users. This month, Smarty Ears is very proud to announce that it will be expanding its products to the paper based education materials by creating sequencing flashcards, games, and other materials that will help speech-language-pathologists and parents of children with special needs to practice speech and language skills.

Go Sequenncing flashcards app screenshootLast month, Smarty Ears at TSHA proudly released a new app, Go Sequencing, which aims to help children practice sequencing skills in a variety of areas such as self-help skills, nature, school, playing and more. The app is available on the app store and includes language options for Portuguese and Spanish. You can learn more about Go Sequencing here:

This month, Smarty Ears introduces a set of flashcards: Go Sequencing: Self Help Skills. This set contains fifty five cards for a total of nine sequences all involving self-help skills. Following Smarty Ears’ tradition for higher quality, the flashcards are bigger and higher quality than a traditional flashcards speech and language clinicians are accustomed to.

Each sequence contains a total of six steps, which is also not a typical length on other materials targeting sequencing skills. This give clinicians and parents the flexibility to do simple tasks that includes what happened first or last by using only two cards, or more complex tasks using anywhere from 3 to 6 cards on each sequence.

This set contains the following sequences:

  1. Taking Shower
  2. Using Toilet
  3. Washing Hands
  4. Putting on a shirt
  5. Putting on pants
  6. Getting dressed
  7. Brushing teeth
  8. Washing clothes
  9. Making the bed

One of the great benefits of having a paper based product that can be paired up with an app is that the child can have the high tech solution of the virtual flashcards, audio and text within the app, and also have a more tangible traditional material that can be used by creative adults in a variety of games prepared by smarty ears.

The Go Sequencing flashcards can be purchased on Smarty Ears hopes to eventually have their own store within their website as their library of paper based materials is expanded to other items .This is the first step of a company that continue to innovate the field of communication sciences.

brushing teeth flashcard

sequence flashcards

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